conference leaders
BIOLOGY OF STORY conference leader
Giovanni is an intuitive percussive healer with a special knack for recognizing the best version of you. Giavanni Washington received her doctorate in Culture and Performance from UCLA. She has studied sonic traditions and performed throughout many countries in the world, including Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cuba, Ethiopia, Guinea, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Senegal, Trinidad, Uganda, and the United States. She facilitates sacred circles, where every voice is of equal value, to offer a sonic platform for safe exploration and transformation of self. More information about Giavanni’s work at
GiAvanni washington
GiAvanni washington
BIOLOGY OF STORY conference leader
Dr. Lisa K. Taylor is a full professor in the School of Education, Bishop's University, Quebec whose students are primarily future teachers. Grounded in social justice education, decolonial, feminist, and cultural studies, her teaching and research ask what it means to remember the past and honour the lives of others, especially from tangled histories and involving difficult emotions of complicity. She explores practices of narrative and aesthetic memory as part of a collective project of building a vigilant, life-affirming public sphere. Current projects focus on decolonizing teacher education through pedagogies of witnessing testimony of Indian Residential School survivors in dialogue with Indigenous educators' frameworks of Story and relationality.
lisa tayor
lisa tayor
BIOLOGY OF STORY conference leader
Suetta was born in Newark NJ, graduated from Smith College with a degree in Biochemistry, and did her medical training at Tufts Medical School and The Cambridge Hospital (Harvard Medical School). She has subsequently been a community-based primary care doctor for 33 years. She has additional certification in Integrative Medicine, and Hospice and Palliative Care. Living and working in the same community, she has witnessed the importance of family and community in both illness and wellness. In giving their medical history, each person is usually, without realizing it, molding the facts into a life story. Much of Suetta’s work has been with helping individuals discover these stories.